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Breastfeeding, The End!

That’s it! I have officially stopped breastfeeding Toby. I feel that it’s the right time now, to move on to formula feeding. It had got to the point that we were only breastfeeding in the morning and even then that was hit or miss, as most mornings Toby would wake up and be ready to…

How I prepared for a homebirth

The first thing I did to prepare for the birth was buy books! I hadn’t a clue where to start but I have always remembered this bit of advice is to only buy one. That way you don’t get any conflicting advice. With that said I did buy a few but I was very careful…

Let me introduce, Toby

I sit here writing with a glass of red wine thinking about how to introduce my son, it still feels weird to say, I have a son, when there are close people in my family who have yet to be introduced to him. I have a son, he is seven months old, his name is…